Monday, July 22, 2013



Download copy of book 1/12/14 to your computer "Kindle Cloud Reader, with one click" Kindle, smart phone and devices.

On 7/20/13 President Obama asked "How do we learn some lessons from this and move in a positive direction?" "But beyond protests or vigils, the question is, are there some concrete things that we might be able to do. There has been talk about should we convene a conversation on race. I haven't seen that be particularly productive when politicians try to organize conversations. They end up being stilted and politicized, and folks are locked into the positions they already have. On the other hand, in families and churches and workplaces, there's the possibility that people are a little bit more honest..." 

Trayvon Martin's verdict was an unjust criminal verdict but African-Americans have suffered and continue to suffer from unjust CIVIL verdicts and court rulings/decisions too. Click on link to Read 2 of the seven perjured declarations filed by Sptizer in my employment discrimination case. You can also download and buy the kindle version of my book SCREWED BY FORMER GOVERNOR AND ATTORNEY GENERAL ELIOT SPITZER". 

Anybody can read Kindle books—even without a Kindle device—with the FREE Kindle app for smartphones and tablets. You can borrow the book for FREE
Read this book or just the first 70 pages and HELP CHANGE this nation by engaging in  a conversation on racism that is supported by facts and the documents included in the book itself. My hope is that this book and conversation will  result in action by Mr. Obama who is our dear president and great leader of the free world.

One form of racism Employment discrimination can be addressed and curbed by President Obama with an executive order. He can amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 again like he did in the Lilly Ledbetter case. Amending the act again will allow victims of employment discrimination to have juries and not JUDGES decide if their employers discriminated and/or retaliated against them.

Vera Richardson
Screwed by Former Governor & Atty Gen Eliot Spitzer via @amazon Dwload my memoir FREE 2 yr comp-Kindle Cloud Reader

Thursday, July 18, 2013

President Obama DO IT for Trayvon, African American Racism Victims, and ME: Amend Civil Rights Act of 1964 AGAIN

President Obama has supported and/or not enforeced and signed bills that have made real changes in the lives of women, the gay community, military families, and Hispanics. Afrian-Americans need real positive changes in our lives too.

DO IT PRESIDENT OBAMA USE ME AND MY CASE  TO GIVE our people HOPE and a sense of peace!

Vera Richardson   Preview Kindle version of Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer Look inside physical book of Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Old NUCLEAR OPTION: Call 202-224-3542 Tell Reid to Use it now


UPDATE POST published 7/16/13

Call for Action: CALL 202-224-3542 tell Seanator Reid to use the Nuclear Option Now!

On October 31, 2013,  According to the Huffington Post "Vice President Biden  said it might be time to change the institution's rules using the nuclear option after Republicans blocked yet another one of President Barack Obama's nominees.Rep. Mel Watt (D-N.C.) to oversee the Federal Housing Finance Agency. Under the nuclear option, or the constitutional option, the party in charge can use procedural maneuvers to set new precedents, then change the rules with a simple majority of 51."

We can't and won't wait any longer for President Obama's judiciary appointments to be appointed and confirmed. GOP has held up federal judges that he wants to appoint to the federal courts and other important nominees. The Senate stepped back from the "nuclear option" after group of Republicans led by Sen. John McCain made a deal with Reid."

President Obama supporters of all races please call Harry Reid and tell him not to back down from imposing nuclear option.  Reform the rules now because we need  all of President Obama nominees confirmed especially all federal judges vacancies which are lifetime appointments filled this year before the midterm elections of 2014. 

Trayvon Martin cases is one of the reason that we need federal judges appointed by President Obama confirmed. Martin is a painful example that Blacks don't receive fair trials and/or just verdicts. Martin's case is also an example that racism not only still exists in America, it is still rampant. This fact contradicts our refined politically correct sensibilities.

We truly want to believe that everybody has an equal opportunity to become successful. We are willing to concede that some ethnic and racial groups have a harder time than others. And though we shake our heads at the unfairness, we are comforted by the belief that with the right amount of ingenuity, resolve, and luck, the potential of reaching success is equally accessible to all. Many Americans believe this but it is not TRUE.
The bulk of the most heinous and systematic racism is geared towards African-Americans. And though we have a slew of highly visible and wildly successful African-Americans to exalt and emulate, African-Americans are still disproportionately undereducated, un/underemployed, and wrongfully terminated. This is a true fact.

We cannot afford to muffle the truth because racism appears to have gotten worst since this nation elected President Barack Hussein Obama not once but two times. In fact Presient Obama has been the object of undeniable RACISM. We can't change the hearts and minds of RACIST people who are determined to denied President Obama a successful presidency but we can DEMAND that our party used every weapon available including the nuclear option to crush the REPUBLICAN PARTY unrelentless opposition to Obama's legitimacy.  

Call 202-224-3542 tell  Harry Reid to use the Nuclear Option NOW!
 Vera Richardson

Saturday, July 13, 2013


August 2013 unemployment rates 7.3 percent.  African- American unemployment rate rose from 12. 6 percent to 13 percent in August 2013.Employment discrimination is a major reason that African-American unemployment rates is double that of the  national average unemployment rate of Whites in some parts of America. It is also a reason that many African-American teenagers are unemployed and many African-American adults are either unemployed or underemployed.

President should address employment discrimination once again because it is the RIGHT thing to do. Amend Title VII of the Civil Right Act of 1964, with an Executive Order again.  He did in in 2009 with Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act.