Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Please don't do stupid s__t like marching at night. Please stay off the street at night.  Don't give Coburn and Republican Party what what they want. They may start the violence and say African-Americans started it. 

Blacks shouldn't march or protest at night. Republican Senator Coburn who met with his party on 1/20/09 (night Barack Obama took oath) and conspired to obstruct his presidency wants anarchy and violence. On November 20, 2014, Coburn who is leaving the Senate because his cancer has returned "predicted" call for violence all over this nation. In his interview with USA today he referenced Ferguson just like he did on Morning Joe Show

We can't win nor do we want a race war. Our lives are in our hands and Jesus hands. Listen to this passionate insight about what is happening in Ferguson and pray. Please pray for our nation and specific for Jesus to protect President Obama from all harm domestic and foreign. 

Chronicles 2 7:14 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” (KJV)

Do you believe the nation will be shocked and respond to the violence the same way they did during Jim Crow and the Civil Rights movement? The refusal of all the major networks ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX to allow President Obama 15 or 20 minutes of air time to tell nation details of his Immigration Reform policy guarantees that history will not repeat itself. Only negative images or videos that support the narratives that BLACK people are responsible for the violence, unlawfulness, and riots will be featured and discussed by the media.

I don’t want to preach but many of you who are matching and protesting failed to either register to vote or didn’t vote in 2010 and again in 2014. Not voting on November 6, 2014, and/or like some activist in Houston, TX telling Blacks not to vote was a critical mistake.

I believe that many eligible Hispanic voters didn't register because of fear of exposing their mixed family members. Now that Barack Obama has used Executive Orders that should relieve some of those fears Texas Democratic Party should start massive end of year drive to register those potential voters. I also believe that other states should do the same thing.

Proactive actions we can take to honor Mike Brown and deny the Republicans the White House in 2016 includes but aren't limited to: 1: Getting eligible Hispanic voters registered during daylight hours in cities across this nation.  2. Raising money and establishing methods to identify and get state issued voter identification cards for those who need them.
Volunteering at your local county and state Democratic Party headquarters today. Use your energy to help people like these pictured Harris County democratic female judiciary candidates. All of them lost on November 6, 2014, but you can help them become judges in future elections. 

Don't give up and don't lose HOPE. JESUS gave us President Obama and Eric Holder to bring equality and justice to all Americans including Mike Brown. It will be hard to change America to a more just nation. Change will happen if Blacks realize that we are in the fight for our lives and our children's lives. Blacks must make better decisions and matching and/or protesting at NIGHT in any city in America is STUPID!

Vera Richardson Author of Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer Preview and/or buy the book here