Saturday, August 11, 2012

Congressman Paul Ryan: Mitt Romney’s Poor Vice Presidential Selection

Neither Romney nor Paul Ryan have any experience or expertise in foreign affairs and neither are capable of responding to a 3:00 AM call from anywhere around the world. The above mentioned fact is an example of Romney’s desperation and inability to make sound decisions were exhibited when he selected his Vice Presidential candidate Congressman Ryan Paul. Just like John McCain in 2008 Romney first presidential decision is inexcusable and poor. The future of America and the world depends on the leader of the free world being able to lead, make sound decision, and respond to emergencies and crisis around the world.  Romney is not that guy and will be defeated on November 6, 2012.

Vera Richardson
Preview of my book “Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer” reveals the early years of my racial poverty stricken life in Florida.

Preview additionally pages of book to view the perjured declarations of Eliot Spitzer and Lee Gould and direct evidence that proved that fact.

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