Thursday, November 3, 2011

Herman Cain is Being Victimized by Racism

Racism is playing a big part in the media and the Republican Party efforts to use alleged sexual harassment allegations and settlement agreements that happened in the 90’s to end Herman Cain’s hope of being the Republican nominee for the Oval Office.

There is a double standard in the way discrimination and sexual harassment is covered by the media in this country. When the alleged victim(s) is "White" they are given an opportunity to present their story and case to the nation and media. On the other hand true African-American victim’s cries for justice are ignored and discredited by any means necessary.

I am one of many African-Americans who have been victimized at work (employment discrimination). No one appears to be interested getting the facts in my case or holding my abusers accountable for their actions.I challenge any media network or media personality to investigate and report on my racial and sexual motivated employment discrimination and retaliation experience and the fact that I was victimized by
Eliot Spitzer and the New York State Attorney General’s Office .

Vera Richardson
Author of Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer

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