Monday, November 18, 2013

My Filibuster Reform Call to Senator Reid 202-224-3542

On November 18, 2013, I called 202-224-3542 and left a message requesting that Senator Reid reforms the filibuster rules with a member of his staff. 

Reforming the rules is also called the Nuclear Option. "Under the nuclear option, or the constitutional option, the party in charge can use procedural maneuvers to set new precedents, then change the rules with a simple majority of 51." Credit - Huffington Post

Please call Reid and record your call if you get a live person please inform them that you are recording the conversation. After the live call or if you leave a message please post it online using CNN-IReports, social media, facebook, twitter, blogs etc.

Senator Reid lets get it done for President Obama . Once President Obama signs a Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill majorities for Republicans in House and Senate or in the Whitehouse will not occur for the next forty years or more (Glenn Beck) on his now cancelled Fox show.

We can't change the hearts and minds of RACIST GOP leaders who on October 1, 2013 shutdown the federal government. Neither can we change the minds of Republicians in the House and Senate who are determined to denied President Obama a successful presidency or the right to appoint qualified judicial nominees.

Reid made a deal with Mitch McConnell as its relates to filibusters that Senate Republicans have viloated. Therefore is is time that we DEMAND that our party used every weapon available including the nuclear option to crush the REPUBLICAN PARTY unrelentless opposition to President Obama's legitimacy and their failure to honor senate agreements.

Vera Richardson
Author of Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer click to preview my employnent discrimination book

Thursday, October 31, 2013

NUCLEAR OPTION NOW: Call Senator Reid at 202-224-3542

We can't change the hearts and minds of RACIST people who are determined to denied President Obama a successful presidency. We can DEMAND that our party used every weapon available including the nuclear option to crush the REPUBLICAN PARTY unrelentless opposition to President Obama's legitimacy. 

What you can and I pray will do is CALL 202-224-3542 and tell Seanator Reid to use the Nuclear Option Now! "Under the nuclear option, or the constitutional option, the party in charge can use procedural maneuvers to set new precedents, then change the rules with a simple majority of 51." Credit - Huffington Post

On October 31, 2013, According to the Huffington Post "Vice President Biden said it might be time to change the institution's rules using the nuclear option after Republicans blocked yet another one of President Barack Obama's nominees.Rep. Mel Watt (D-N.C.) to oversee the Federal Housing Finance Agency.

We can't and won't wait any longer for President Obama's judiciary appointments to be appointed and confirmed. GOP has held up federal judges that he wants to appoint to the federal courts and other important nominees. The Senate stepped back from the "nuclear option" after group of Republicans led by Sen. John McCain made a deal with Reid."

President Obama supporters of all races please call Harry Reid and tell him not to back down from imposing nuclear option. Reform the rules now because we need all of President Obama nominees confirmed especially all federal judges vacancies which are lifetime appointments filled this year before the midterm elections of 2014.

Trayvon Martin cases is one of the reason that we need federal judges appointed by President Obama confirmed. Martin is a painful example that Blacks don't receive fair trials and/or just verdicts. Martin's case is also an example that racism not only still exists in America, it is still rampant. This fact contradicts our refined politically correct sensibilities.

The bulk of the most heinous and systematic racism is geared towards African-Americans. And though we have a slew of highly visible and wildly successful African-Americans to exalt and emulate, African-Americans are still disproportionately undereducated, un/underemployed, and wrongfully terminated. This is a true fact.

We cannot afford to muffle the truth because racism appears to have gotten worst since this nation elected President Barack Hussein Obama not once but two times. In fact Presient Obama has been the object of undeniable RACISM, hate, and disrespect.  Now is up to all American who believe in equality, justice for all, ObamaCare, Immigration Reform, and President Obama's vision for this nation to take action.

PLEASE Call 202-224-3542 AND tell Harry Reid to use the Nuclear Option NOW!

Vera Richardson

Monday, October 28, 2013

GOPTrojan Horse Chris Christie Must be Defeated on November 5, 2013


According to Izzy Santa, director of Hispanic communications director Democrats hold a 700,000-voter registration advantage in New Jersey;The RNC expects to spend a total of $1.5 million to get voters to the polls, Santa said in an interview.   I believe that NJ is a must win for Democrats because the November 5, 2013, election is about Christie 2016 bid for president.

In order for this nation to live up to the promises of fairness, equal opportunity, and justice for all from November 7, 2012 to FOREVER we must respectfully request President Obama or his secret weapon First Lady Obama to start campaigning for Democrat Buono to defeat Governor Christie on November 5, 2013. 

What 2012 presidential election promises have President Obama delivered on during the first year of his second term?  Although no fault of his own I can’t think of one. The Republican Party has effectively made him a lame duck president in 2013 but WE can CHANGE that. 

Please help me to DEMAND a CALL TO ACTION in New Jersey by our beloved President and the Democratic Party. This is the Democrats Waterloo moment if Buono defeats Christie on November 5, 2013, it will destroy the Republicans hope and dreams for victory in 2014 midterm and the 2016 presidential elections. The GOP can only take back the Whitehouse in 2016 if Christie fools Democrats voters to vote for him over our candidate like former President George W Bush did in 2000.

Rove and the Right blamed Hillary Clinton for Sept. 11, 2012, attack at the U.S. post in Benghazi, Libya. Rove has determined that Hillary is the GOP greatest threat to not taking back the Whitehouse. Therefore, Rove and GOP attacked her.

Reasons I believe Democrats should take a page from KARL ROVE’S Play Book - remove Governor Christie as Hillary or the Democratic 2016 presidential nominee threat.

1.      Christie wasted millions by scheduling a special election to fill NJ senator vacancy that Mayor Cory Booker won. He didn’t want to be on same November 5, 2013 ballot with Booker.

2.      Christie secretly had surgery to lose weight because of his plans to run in 2016.

3.      Christie has had a least 1 secret meeting with Koch who is anti-Obama anti-Obamacare and/or worst.

4.      Cruz has become the GOP planned scapegoat to deflect their not so secret plans for Christie to be their 2016 nominee.

5.      Christie like 99.9% of elected Republicans hates President Obama and his vision for this nation.

6.      At the Democratic National Convention, Newark Mayor Cory Booker urged New Jerseyans this morning not only to come out for President Obama but to come out to defeat Gov. Chris Christie next year. Booker urged his fellow New Jersey Democrats to come out for a Democratic candidate in 2013. Therefore, I hope he Booker will support a call to action to help a Democrats defeat Christie on November 5, 2013.  If he doesn't I believe he owes NJ and all Democratic voters why he isn't taking an active role in helping Buono defeat Christie.

Vera Richardson
Look inside my book to read Eliot Spitzer and Gerald Goncalves perjured declarations and view (pictures) that proves Spitzer lied to have my employment discrimination case dismissed
Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer



Thursday, October 24, 2013

Senator Cruz and Racist Republicians Want to Put Blacks Back in Chains?

According to Pascal Robert May 11, 2013, Huffington Post article titled "The Reactionary Nature of Black Politics:" "The main vehicle allowing this constant social and political demobilization of the Black community stems from the problematic reality that Black politics has traditionally been grounded in a purely reactionary response to the phenomenon of racism -- particularly without a clear understanding of the purpose of racism in its application to Blacks.

This stems from a failure to understand basic key aspects of the relationship of Blacks to America and racism, mostly because the sheer terror used under the guise of racism to maintain the prevailing order has been so atrocious that the political focus by Blacks has been to concentrate on that terror and attempts to neutralize it without truly addressing its root cause."

Senator Ted Cruz and the GOP actions towards President Obama especially the October 1, 2013, closing of the federal government is an example of racism to maintain the prevailing order.  Blacks and Americans who believe in EQUALITY for all Americans can stop being reactionary and become proactive.  Read my book Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer and respectfully request action from President Obama. 

As president Obama can use an Executive Order to amend Title VII  of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. He can amend the act to protect it and employment discrimination victims before the United Supreme Court of America guts that act like it did the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The Courts VRA decision and its Affordable Care Act "Obamacare" deciion to aid members of Congress like Senator Cruz to "put Blacks back in chains."

Vera Richardson
Preview, buy, and have race conversation that can CHANGE AMERICA
Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer

Monday, October 14, 2013

Worst Racism Since Gov Wallace" 1963 Segregation Forever Speech: House Changing Rules to Keep Government Shutdown

According to TPM DC Late on the night of Sept. 30, with the federal government just hours away from shutting down, House Republicans quietly made a small change to the House rules that blocked a potential avenue for ending the shutdown. With less than two hours to midnight and shutdown, Speaker John Boehner's latest plan emerged. House Republicans would "insist" on their latest spending bill, including the anti-Obamacare provision, and request a conference with the Senate to resolve the two chambers' differences.

Under normal House rules, according to House Democrats, once that bill had been rejected again by the Senate, then any member of the House could have made a motion to vote on the Senate's bill. Such a motion would have been what is called "privileged" and entitled to a vote of the full House. At that point, Democrats say, they could have joined with moderate Republicans in approving the motion and then in passing the clean Senate bill, averting a shutdown. But previously, House Republicans had made a small but hugely consequential move to block them from doing it.

President Obama presidency and this nation democracy is at stake and survival is at state. The fact that a branch of government would go to the extreme measure to shutdown government, make a rule that would keep it close unless one man Eric Cantor and then state continuously that Reid and/or President Obama is responsible for the shutdown, make unjust demands in return for letting Republican Eric Cantor bring a vote to the floor to re-open government should be exposed during a PRIME TIME ADDRESS TO THE NATION. The address should include the video of House Chair acknowledging the September rule change and footage of the Republican leadership public remarks denouncing the shutdown and blaming Reid and Obama for the government not opening. Boehner deceive nation when he say he didn't have the votes to bring motion to floor to re-open government when based on the GOP rule change he doesn't have the authority to bring the vote to the floor.

Vera Richardson
Author of Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer

Friday, October 11, 2013

Select Committee or No other Weapon Formed Against President Obama Shall Prosper

UPDATE Today is May 22, 2014, and I am disappointed and shocked with Nancy Pelosi and Congressman Cummings' Select Committee decision. How can they possibly believe that agreeing to appoint 5 Democrats members, who Speaker Boehner refused to give any power or control over the process, is a good decision? Therefore, like all of the Republican created crisis before I have to turn this one over to Jesus.

Please Jesus continue to protect President Obama from the evil of this world and from people who may want to impeach him. President Obama's only offensive dear Jesus is the color of his skin. Jesus give me and other President Obama supporters the peace and joy that You say surpasses all understanding. Help us and this nation deal with and survive another Republican created crisis/scandal.

Please Jesus don't let this nightmare Trey Gowdy SC "TRIAL" turn into another Civil War for this nation. Jesus bless America and its people and put in their hearts the desire to demand that the Republican party respect the results of 2008 and 2012 elections. President Obama is the duly elected president of the United States of America, therefore he is their president too.

Vera Richardson
Author of Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer

Could John McCain Have Prevented the GOP 2013 Government Shutdown?

Could McCain have prevented the Republican Party from shutting down the government on October 1, 2013, by publicly challenging Senator Ted Cruz's words/actions and exposing the Republican ill conceived shutdown the government plot? We may never know the answer to that question but based on his admission on the Senate floor on October 9, 2013, I believe that it is possible.

In Senator John McCain's 2008 concession speech he acknowledged fact that President Obama's election was historic and he addressed it within the context of this nation's racial past. The part of his speech in this video shows that McCain was willing in 2008 to put his country with its democratic form of government first. McCain accept the will of the voters and encouraged his supporters to do the same. Somewhere or sometime during the next four year McCain lost his way and join his party's unsuccessful conspiracy to make President Obama a one term president by denying him health care reform.

In a bold speech on the Senate floor on October 9, 2013, McCain told the nation and the world that the Republican Party did a disservice to America when the Party and Mitt Romney promised to repeal Obamacare.  He stated that the obvious that law was passed in 2010, upheld my the Supreme Court, and that President Obama 2012 reelection confirmed that it would remain the law of the land.

Later Senator McCain appeared on FOX news and laid blame on the government shutdown on members of the Tea Party. His speech on the senate floor and his appearance on FOX are steps in the right direction.  His party is in dire need for someone to lead them because of the void left by President George W Bush and Mitt Romney. McCain can lead his party and help them accept the fact that President Obama is the duly elected president.  He can also put this nation first once again by telling his party that elections have consequences and they must re-open the entire government by passing a clear CR bill with no strings (amendments) attached and raise the debt ceiling limits longer than six weeks.

Vera Richardson
Author of Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Boehner Says He Got 98% of What "HE" Wanted in 2011 Debt Ceiling Debate Not This Time Speaker!

Speaker you must put this nation first and realize that no one should ever get 98 percent of what they want during fair compromise or negotiation situation. Senator Cruz and the Tea Party members of Congress can't not impose their will and the will of the small number of people that they represent on an entire nation. A nation who doesn't look like them who are 95 plus percent white but is made up of Americans of all colors, national origins, races, and religions. This nation dare's you to put a clear CR and Debt Ceiling Raising bill on the floor of the House and yet the members vote on it. If you are right that you don't have the votes the entire federal goverment currently affected by the GOP government shutdown remains closed. If you aren't correct the entire goverment re-opens and America don't default on its bills for the first time in 225 years. Vera Richardson Author of Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Call NBC Nightly News:202-885-4200- Chuck Todd is Responsible for Reporting Facts not Lies, Talking Points, or Opinions

Updated August 16, 2015, since I made my call and wrote this post Chuck Todd has ben rewarded by NBC News for his stated position of reporting Republicans opinions as FACTS. He is the host of Meet the Press and will be hosting an umcoming MSNBC 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time show.

Democrats can't remain silent and let the Republican bias media and talking heads like Chuck Todd control the political narrative and debate.  A FALSE narrative that is generated to prove that Black Voters who elected two term President Obama DON'T MATTER. A FALSE narrative that makes a mockey of and tries to discredit the BlackLivesMatter movement.

America is one election away from becoming a more perfect nation. One election away from becoming GREAT. A nation who honors the Bill of Rights and 13th and 14th amendensts of equal protection and due process right of all of its citizens.

The hope and CHANGE that President Obama promised us in 2008 is so REAL and so close. In fact people like Todd are shaking in their boots in fear that all Americans will have equality in justice, employment, housing, education, and Comprehensive Immigration Reform.

Black or African-Americans Democrats don't let the noise of  Chuck Todd control your mind or your actions. Don't let Todd depress us and destroy our Hope for a better life for our children. Don't be quiet and let the racist NBC News decision to give Todd 2 shows and 6 hours a week to help the Republican Party and harm the Democratic Party go unchallenged or unnoticed.

BlackLivesMatter should be our battle cry as we call for Chuck Todd's termination. Use Twitter, Facebook, phone calls to NBC and every other method to STOP Todd and NBC from putting blacks back in CHAINS. Please answer Congressman Clyburn see something do some call to action.



Call NBC Nightly News:202-885-4200-  Chuck Todd is Responsible for Reporting Facts not Lies, Talking Points, or Opinions.

I responded to a CALL FOR ACTION to  take a few minutes to call NBC News and demand a public apology for Chuck Todd's on-air claim that it isn't the role of journalists to separate fact from fiction in political debates. Link to get info and take action by making a phone call like I did:

 My recorded call to NBC Nightly news 212-664-4971. You can also call NBC's Washington Bureau at 202-885-4200

Sunday, September 22, 2013

President Obama WON Election: Racist GOP Obamacare Vote Sending Fear not Experienced Since November 6, 2012

The day after the Novemember 6, 2012,  presidential election I retuned to OFA Norfolk office. I made the emotional video in this post with the HOPE that the election was over and that the GOP would finally put this nation first and accept the fact that Barack Obama was indeed the choice and duly elected president of the the greatest democracy on earth.  I was wrong.

In 2008 President Obama said that change wouldn't come easy in this country and the September 20, 2013 vote by the GOP to fund the government only if President Obama signature accomplishment The Affordable Health Care Act "Obamacare" is defunded proved that fact.

President Obama can't give in or even entertain this clearly RACIST position that the GOP and Speaker Boehner has taken. The poor, African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, the under educated, and women need President Obama to continue fighting for us and his agenda.

President Obama can’t get weary and give up and we can’t get weary and give up either. We must trust God and know that just like He delivered the children of Israel He will protect and deliver us too. We can't behave like the children of Isreal in Exodus 14:12 of King James Version of the Bible: “Is not this the word that we did tell thee in Egypt; saying Let us alone, that we may serve the Egyptians, than that we should die in the wilderness.”

In the meantime we need the Democratic Party to fight for us and President Obama as hard as the GOP are fighting CHANGE in the Whitehouse, politics, and President Obama.  High ranking politicans of all parties needs to called the GOP out for RACISM just like President Carter did during President Obama's 2008 term.

In addition to the GOP opposition being racist the GOP is using the budget and Obamacare to deny the passing of  a Immigration Reform bill. They know that Glenn Beck was correct when he said that Immigration Reform and/or the Hispanic and African-American vote would keep the Republican Party out of the White House and a minority in Congress for the next 30 or 40 years.

Senator Reed needs to use the nuclear option and do filibuster reform TODAY with deliberate haste.  We can't and will not wait for the 2014 election to move this nation FORWARD.  Call Harry Reid at 202-224-3542 record your message or conversation (tell live person that you are recording the call) and post it on CNN I-Report or on social media especially twitter.

God answered the prayers of our mothers and fathers and the slaves before us with President Obama victory. Therefore, we must vote in every election including the midterms as if it’s a presidential election year.  We must also stay actively engaged in the political process and hold members of Congress, governors, mayors, and the president of the United States ACCOUNTABLE!

Lastly, I want President Obama to know that he is loved by Jesus, my family, me, and millions in this country and around the world. As a Christian I believe that  the GOP hearts have been harden, just like God harden Pharaoh’s heart and the Egyptians pursued the children of Israel into the sea. (Chapter 14 of the book of Exodus)

I hope that the Republicans Party and many people who claim to be Christians but their actions don't support their claim will remember verse 4 of Exodus 14 - And I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and he will pursue them. But I will gain glory for myself through Pharaoh and all his army, and the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord.” 

President Obama won the 2012 presidential election and the Affordable Health Care bill is the law of the law it's now time for the Republican and Tea Party to accept that fact!

Vera Richardson
Author of Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer

Friday, September 20, 2013

DAM_ IT Speaker Boehner - The America People Voted for Barack and Obamacare in 2008 and 2012!

I supported President Obama's re-election efforts by volunteering to go to Norfolk, VA at my own expense for a month. I volunteered because I believed in President Obama's vision that all Americans regardless of race deserve an equal opportunity to healthcare, employment, education...etc.

On November 6, 2012, many of the volunteers including me and voters supporting the president expressed our fear that Romney could win the election. In this raw video recorded on November 7, 2012, I expressed my feelings, fears, and joy, that the American voters had re-elected Barack Obama based on the content of his character and not the color of his skin as president of the United States of America.

My direct message to Speaker Boehner:  Although it will mean that you will no longer be Speaker please put this nation first and abandon your plan to shut down the federal government in order to deny an African-American president his signature accomplishment “Obamacare.”

We can't play with the slippery slope of trying to overturn a law that the Supreme Court has ruled constitutional. Some very intelligent people have accurately compared the GOP tactics to events leading up to Civil War of 1861-1865.

Vera Richardson

Sunday, September 8, 2013

No US Military Action in Syria without United Nation's Support

The world doesn’t trust America and/or our intelligence community. The War in Iraq and Snowden cases are direct evidence to the world that American intelligence is at best suspect and at worst flawed. Therefore, our National Security team especially Susan Rice must/should present a clear and convincing case to the United Nations before taking  any military action in Syria.


Vera Richardson


Thursday, August 29, 2013

DOWNLOAD $2.99 BOOK "Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer" and Advance MLK Jr's Dream

Have the race conversation President Obama recommended after Mike Brown was murdered. Click on link and DOWNLOAD $2.99 Civil Rights Act 1964 racism book  Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney Eliot Spitzer. You don't have to have a Kindle to download this book today to your devices.You can also  Download Free Kindle appls that will allow you to download this eye-opening book to your computer, tablets, smart phones.
Android phone or ta
In Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer Richardson’s employment discrimination experienced and her life are detailed in great length. The book includes original evidentiary documents that were uploaded into the book as pictures. The documents includes but are not limited to deposition testimonies, doctors’ reports, letters, perjured declarations, court orders, and transcripts of oral arguments and administrative hearings
The book and the direct evidence in it allows Americans and readers around the world the opportunity to decide and render a verdict on an employment discrimination case. Additionally the book will allow readers to decide if the Supreme Court should have reviewed and remanded Richardson’s case back to the district court.

Lastly, this book presents a case that President Obama should sign like he did for Ledbetter and women to amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Amending the Civil Rights Act again would prevent one judge from having the absolute power to grant summary judgment motions that dismiss Title VII cases. More importantly amending the Act again will make both the 13th and 14th amendments of the United States Constitution and the Civil Right Act of 1964 a living reality for all Americans who are victims of unlawful employment discrimination and retaliation.

I am aware of the fact that " the salutary purpose of summary judgment—avoiding protracted, expensive and harassing trials --apply no less to discriminatory cases than to commercial or other areas of litigation" Meiri v Dacon, 759 F.2d 989, 998 (2d cir.), cert. denied, 474 U.S. 829 (1985).

The salutary purpose of summary judgment and the rights of all Americans to fair and equal justice can both be accomplished with a well written and defined amendment to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Amending the Civil Rights Act again would prevent one judge from having the absolute power to grant summary judgment motions that dismiss Title VII (discrimination and retaliation) cases. 

Vera Ricchardson
Preview and/or buy physical copy Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

NO MARCH, NO PROTEST, AND/OR SPEECH Will Improve African-American Lives!


In their own words recorded in this video by me on October 16, 2011, in Washington, DC, President Obama and Rev Al Sharpton acknowledged ACTION and VOTING are the methods to CHANGE America.

According to the NAACP website on August 28, 1963, Leaders from civil rights, labor, immigrant rights and social justice organizations will speak after the march. Fifty years later the National Action to Realize the Dream March is scheduled for August 24, 2013, in Washington, DC.


I will not be attending the August 24, 2013, march in Washington for two reasons.  One I can’t afford to attend. Secondly, NO MATCH, NO PROTEST, AND/OR SPEECH Will Improve African-American Lives during this current political climate.That is a simple FACT!

In a Huffington Post article titled “Why We Need to March …Again” NAACP President Jealous stated in part: We need you there to help us gain a critical mass of voices, and prove once again that organized people can beat organized money any time. I respectfully disagree with Jealous.

I believe that those who are honest with themselves must accept the fact that at this time in our nation’s history “NO MARCH, NO PROTEST, AND/OR SPEECH is going to improve the lives of the poor, unemployed, underemployed, African-Americans, or the disadvantage in this country. Our time, MONEY, organization skills, and political activity should be spend trying to overcome the barriers to voting. Since President Obama’s historic 2008 election the Republican Party in general and Republican governors in particular have supported and passed voter registration identification laws to deny minorities, working class citizens, and the poor their constitutional right to vote.

If the NAACP and Rev Al Sharpton believes that a large gathering of people of all races, economic status, and sexes will change the mind set of those who oppose equality I present exhibit A – Picture of approximately two million people attending President Obama’s inauguration.


I would also remind Sharpton of his outstanding October 15, 2011, march in Washington DC for Jobs and Justice which I attended.

In Washington DC on October 15, 2011 for March for Jobs and Justice 
                                  My personal picture of MLK Memorial taken Oct 15, 2011

On October 8, 2012, I answered President Obama’s campaign and his organization OFA (Organization for America) call for volunteers. I volunteered for the Vote Corps program and report at my own expense to Norfolk, Virginia to help him win the 2012 Presidential Election.

I volunteered for the Vote Corps program and worked 31 days because President Obama is our Hope attaining a measure of equality unequal during any time in this nation’s history. I also believe that President Obama’s re-election would forever CHANGE America for the better.

November 2012 Pictured with Beau Biden in Norfolk, Va  OfA Office

On August 16, 2013, Lee Daniels' The Butler movie which stars Oprah and Forest Whitaker opened in theaters in America. Prior to the release date of the movie on August 12, 2013 CNN Suzanne Malveaux Digging Deeper into Lee Daniels' The Butler movie interviewed actor Forest Whitaker and Director Daniels. Malveaux’s interview drives home the fact that a cycle and circle of racism still continues in America.

At the 7:50 mark and 8:37 mark in the video they discussed the current state of race relations in this country, Trayvon Martin, Supreme Court Voting Right Act of 1965 ruling, and the cycle of racism that we have been trying to break as a race of people. Director Daniels voiced irony of realizing that President Johnson was responsible for the Voters Right Act of 1965 and finding out the Supreme Court’s ruling on Voting Rights Act of 1965 after filming that part of the movie.
Whitaker believes that the cycle and circle is still going on. He believes that a dialogue can help break the cycle. I agree with Whitaker that cycle of racism is still happening but I believe that an honest dialogue on racism and ACTION from the executive branch of our government is needed to end the cycle.

What Americans especially African-Americans need NOW is concrete MEASURABLE action from President Obama. He can break part of the CIRCLE/CYCLE of racism by having the courage to boldly address and take ACTION to strengthen Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Act itself is a landmark piece of legislation in the United States that outlawed major forms of discrimination against blacks and women, and ended racial segregation in the United States.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects individuals against employment discrimination on the bases of race and color, as well as national origin, sex, and religion. Title VII applies to employers with 15 or more employees, including state and local governments. It also applies to employment agencies and to labor organizations, as well as to the federal government. Employment discrimination is a major reason that African-American unemployment rates is double that of Whites in some parts of America. It is also a reason that many African-American teenagers are unemployed and many African-American adults are either unemployed or underemployed.

President Obama has the same POWER, opportunities, and resources that were available to President Johnson when he signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. He also has the "dream" and the office of the Presidency to make real changes in our lives to include justice for all of America’s citizens. Additionally, he has already addressed and corrected part of the Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964.

On January 29, 2009, President Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act.  According to the New York Times: “In signing the bill, Mr. Obama said that it sends the message "that there are no second class citizens in our workplaces, and that it's not just unfair and illegal, it's bad for business to pay someone less because of their gender or their age or their race or their ethnicity, religion or disability."

President should address employment discrimination once again because it is the RIGHT thing to do. I am an African-American female victim of employment discrimination who likes Lilly Ledbetter was denied justice by the Supreme Court of the United States for employment discrimination. I hope and pray that President Obama will take a similar interest in my case and act in a similar fashion. I hope that he doesn’t let politics prevent him from using my case to address Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, because my experience occurred in New York and involves Democrats Eliot Spitzer and Governor Andrew Cuomo.


  The salutary purpose of summary judgment and the rights of all Americans to fair and equal justice can both be accomplished with a well written and defined amendment to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Amending the Civil Rights Act again would prevent one judge from having the absolute power to grant summary judgment motions that dismiss Title VII (discrimination and retaliation) cases. 

Click on link to preview my book including Chapter Early Years of  My Life:  Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer

Monday, August 19, 2013

Was Sister Diana Sailor Denied Heart Treatment $10,000 LifeVest Because of Lack of Insurance Coverage?

NOTE: I found out that Diana Sailor, who is 45 years old, was discharged without the LifeVest on Sunday August 18, 2013, during a 8:35 pm telephone call. While I was on the phone I received a call from the sister of my friend Jimmy Robinson. During that 9:13 pm telephone conversation I was informed that Jimmy who had heart problems died of heart attack in a car earlier on Sunday August 18, 2013.

On August 16, 2013, my sister Diana Sailor was discharged from Florida Hospital Tampa without a life saving LifeVest which was prescribed by her treating physician on August 9, 2013.  A LifeVest is a personal defibrillator worn by a patient at risk for sudden cardiac arrest (SCA).  It monitors the patient's heart continuously. If the patient needs it delivers a shock treatment to restore the patient's heart to normal rhythm without bystander intervention for a high-risk heart patients awaiting implants.

According to another sister Diann was told by the physician that if she left the hospital without the LifeVest her chance of surviving was one (1) percent. Diann who is a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) was also told that she is totally disabled and CAN'T WORK.

During her ten day stay in the hospital payment of the $10,000 cost of the vest was discussed. Diana was told that she would receive the LifeVest  although she didn't have insurance that would cover the cost of the LifeVest or the $500.00 down payment needed for a payment plan .

On the day that she was to meet with a specialist to receive instructions on the LifeVest another doctor examined her and told her that she would not need the LifeVest. Although Diann cried and stated that she was scared to leave the hospital without the vest she was discharge on August 16, 2013, without the life saving devise. Was she discharged and sent home with prescribed medications and not the LifeVest because of the COST of the LifeVest, no insurance coverage, and/or that her LIFE wasn't viewed as WORTHY of being saved?

Please investigate and/or donate the money needed for my sister to obtain much need HEALTH CARE TREATMENT.

Vera Richardson
Preview Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Thanking God for Obamacare: Uninsured Floridian Sister with Defective Heart Needs "Obamacare"

                 1980 Picture of my sister Diane (L) with my niece Ivy, sister
                 Jenise, and my two babies.

My forty-five year old sister Diane is one of the many Florida residents who don’t current have health insurance. On August 9, 2013, she had a heart procedure at a hospital in Tampa, Florida. The surgical procedure was done to correct/address damage done to her heart caused by steroids given to treat chronic asthma.

Diane who is a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN). Her treatment includes having her leave the hospital with a LifeVest which automatically provides monitoring and delivers electrical therapy without bystander intervention for a high-risk heart patients awaiting implants.

Diane and other Americans who suffer from life-threatening heart problems life and health is important to their love ones as Dick Cheney’s life is to him and his family. Cheney received the best medical treatment available in the world for his heart problems and eventually received a heart transplant at age 71 .
I don’t know what my precious sister’s future will be but I do know that Gods holds the future. I am thankful that Affordablce Health Care Act (Obamacare) is the law of the land. I am so happy that Florida Republican Governor Scott has reversed his stance on Obamacare which will make health insurance coverage available to 1.3 million Floridians.

I had a heart health scare earlier this year. Unlike Diane I had health insurance and extensive testing revealed that I didn’t have a defective heart. My own experience and that of my sister had made me believe more than ever that every American deserves to have affordable health care as a RIGHT and not a privilege.

Vera Richardson
Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer 

Monday, July 22, 2013



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On 7/20/13 President Obama asked "How do we learn some lessons from this and move in a positive direction?" "But beyond protests or vigils, the question is, are there some concrete things that we might be able to do. There has been talk about should we convene a conversation on race. I haven't seen that be particularly productive when politicians try to organize conversations. They end up being stilted and politicized, and folks are locked into the positions they already have. On the other hand, in families and churches and workplaces, there's the possibility that people are a little bit more honest..." 

Trayvon Martin's verdict was an unjust criminal verdict but African-Americans have suffered and continue to suffer from unjust CIVIL verdicts and court rulings/decisions too. Click on link to Read 2 of the seven perjured declarations filed by Sptizer in my employment discrimination case. You can also download and buy the kindle version of my book SCREWED BY FORMER GOVERNOR AND ATTORNEY GENERAL ELIOT SPITZER". 

Anybody can read Kindle books—even without a Kindle device—with the FREE Kindle app for smartphones and tablets. You can borrow the book for FREE
Read this book or just the first 70 pages and HELP CHANGE this nation by engaging in  a conversation on racism that is supported by facts and the documents included in the book itself. My hope is that this book and conversation will  result in action by Mr. Obama who is our dear president and great leader of the free world.

One form of racism Employment discrimination can be addressed and curbed by President Obama with an executive order. He can amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 again like he did in the Lilly Ledbetter case. Amending the act again will allow victims of employment discrimination to have juries and not JUDGES decide if their employers discriminated and/or retaliated against them.

Vera Richardson
Screwed by Former Governor & Atty Gen Eliot Spitzer via @amazon Dwload my memoir FREE 2 yr comp-Kindle Cloud Reader

Thursday, July 18, 2013

President Obama DO IT for Trayvon, African American Racism Victims, and ME: Amend Civil Rights Act of 1964 AGAIN

President Obama has supported and/or not enforeced and signed bills that have made real changes in the lives of women, the gay community, military families, and Hispanics. Afrian-Americans need real positive changes in our lives too.

DO IT PRESIDENT OBAMA USE ME AND MY CASE  TO GIVE our people HOPE and a sense of peace!

Vera Richardson   Preview Kindle version of Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer Look inside physical book of Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Old NUCLEAR OPTION: Call 202-224-3542 Tell Reid to Use it now


UPDATE POST published 7/16/13

Call for Action: CALL 202-224-3542 tell Seanator Reid to use the Nuclear Option Now!

On October 31, 2013,  According to the Huffington Post "Vice President Biden  said it might be time to change the institution's rules using the nuclear option after Republicans blocked yet another one of President Barack Obama's nominees.Rep. Mel Watt (D-N.C.) to oversee the Federal Housing Finance Agency. Under the nuclear option, or the constitutional option, the party in charge can use procedural maneuvers to set new precedents, then change the rules with a simple majority of 51."

We can't and won't wait any longer for President Obama's judiciary appointments to be appointed and confirmed. GOP has held up federal judges that he wants to appoint to the federal courts and other important nominees. The Senate stepped back from the "nuclear option" after group of Republicans led by Sen. John McCain made a deal with Reid."

President Obama supporters of all races please call Harry Reid and tell him not to back down from imposing nuclear option.  Reform the rules now because we need  all of President Obama nominees confirmed especially all federal judges vacancies which are lifetime appointments filled this year before the midterm elections of 2014. 

Trayvon Martin cases is one of the reason that we need federal judges appointed by President Obama confirmed. Martin is a painful example that Blacks don't receive fair trials and/or just verdicts. Martin's case is also an example that racism not only still exists in America, it is still rampant. This fact contradicts our refined politically correct sensibilities.

We truly want to believe that everybody has an equal opportunity to become successful. We are willing to concede that some ethnic and racial groups have a harder time than others. And though we shake our heads at the unfairness, we are comforted by the belief that with the right amount of ingenuity, resolve, and luck, the potential of reaching success is equally accessible to all. Many Americans believe this but it is not TRUE.
The bulk of the most heinous and systematic racism is geared towards African-Americans. And though we have a slew of highly visible and wildly successful African-Americans to exalt and emulate, African-Americans are still disproportionately undereducated, un/underemployed, and wrongfully terminated. This is a true fact.

We cannot afford to muffle the truth because racism appears to have gotten worst since this nation elected President Barack Hussein Obama not once but two times. In fact Presient Obama has been the object of undeniable RACISM. We can't change the hearts and minds of RACIST people who are determined to denied President Obama a successful presidency but we can DEMAND that our party used every weapon available including the nuclear option to crush the REPUBLICAN PARTY unrelentless opposition to Obama's legitimacy.  

Call 202-224-3542 tell  Harry Reid to use the Nuclear Option NOW!
 Vera Richardson