Monday, October 28, 2013

GOPTrojan Horse Chris Christie Must be Defeated on November 5, 2013


According to Izzy Santa, director of Hispanic communications director Democrats hold a 700,000-voter registration advantage in New Jersey;The RNC expects to spend a total of $1.5 million to get voters to the polls, Santa said in an interview.   I believe that NJ is a must win for Democrats because the November 5, 2013, election is about Christie 2016 bid for president.

In order for this nation to live up to the promises of fairness, equal opportunity, and justice for all from November 7, 2012 to FOREVER we must respectfully request President Obama or his secret weapon First Lady Obama to start campaigning for Democrat Buono to defeat Governor Christie on November 5, 2013. 

What 2012 presidential election promises have President Obama delivered on during the first year of his second term?  Although no fault of his own I can’t think of one. The Republican Party has effectively made him a lame duck president in 2013 but WE can CHANGE that. 

Please help me to DEMAND a CALL TO ACTION in New Jersey by our beloved President and the Democratic Party. This is the Democrats Waterloo moment if Buono defeats Christie on November 5, 2013, it will destroy the Republicans hope and dreams for victory in 2014 midterm and the 2016 presidential elections. The GOP can only take back the Whitehouse in 2016 if Christie fools Democrats voters to vote for him over our candidate like former President George W Bush did in 2000.

Rove and the Right blamed Hillary Clinton for Sept. 11, 2012, attack at the U.S. post in Benghazi, Libya. Rove has determined that Hillary is the GOP greatest threat to not taking back the Whitehouse. Therefore, Rove and GOP attacked her.

Reasons I believe Democrats should take a page from KARL ROVE’S Play Book - remove Governor Christie as Hillary or the Democratic 2016 presidential nominee threat.

1.      Christie wasted millions by scheduling a special election to fill NJ senator vacancy that Mayor Cory Booker won. He didn’t want to be on same November 5, 2013 ballot with Booker.

2.      Christie secretly had surgery to lose weight because of his plans to run in 2016.

3.      Christie has had a least 1 secret meeting with Koch who is anti-Obama anti-Obamacare and/or worst.

4.      Cruz has become the GOP planned scapegoat to deflect their not so secret plans for Christie to be their 2016 nominee.

5.      Christie like 99.9% of elected Republicans hates President Obama and his vision for this nation.

6.      At the Democratic National Convention, Newark Mayor Cory Booker urged New Jerseyans this morning not only to come out for President Obama but to come out to defeat Gov. Chris Christie next year. Booker urged his fellow New Jersey Democrats to come out for a Democratic candidate in 2013. Therefore, I hope he Booker will support a call to action to help a Democrats defeat Christie on November 5, 2013.  If he doesn't I believe he owes NJ and all Democratic voters why he isn't taking an active role in helping Buono defeat Christie.

Vera Richardson
Look inside my book to read Eliot Spitzer and Gerald Goncalves perjured declarations and view (pictures) that proves Spitzer lied to have my employment discrimination case dismissed
Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer



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