Like Oprah I believe that nothing in this world happens by chance. I believe Oprah’s endorsement of then Senator Obama led directly to this nation electing its FIRST African-American President. I also believe that fact we share several experiences didn't happen by chance. Those experiences includes being born poor in the South to unwed mothers under the same sign Aquarius in 1954 and having a life changing event at the age of fourteen.
I believe that my divine purpose will be achieved during Obama’s presidency. My divine purpose of is to shed light on employment discrimination and for that LIGHT to reveal that Title VII (employment discrimination) of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 needs to be amended again.
President Obama should address employment discrimination once again because it is the RIGHT thing to do. Title VII of the Civil Right Act of 1964 needs to be amended again In 2009 President Obama amended Title VII (Employment Discrimination) of the Civil Right Act of 1964 when he signed his first bill the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act.
President Obama amending the Act again will make America a more just place for all Americans. Employment discrimination is a major reason that African-American unemployment rates is double that of the national average unemployment rate of Whites in some parts of America. It is also a reason that many African-American teenagers are unemployed and many African-American adults are either unemployed or underemployed.
Will Oprah and President Obama read my book Screwed by Former Governor...Eliot Spitzer ? Will they read and discuss all of the direct evidence in it that supports the need to protect one of Martin Luther King Jr's greatest achievement the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
Will an African-American President Obama rise to the occasion like President Johnson and lead America to GREATNESS? I believe with all of my heart that he will. I believe it because nothing is too hard for man to accomplish with the help of God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost.
Click link to read two perjured declaration Spitzer filed to deny me a jury trial Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer After you read the preview consider download the $2.99 e-book and have fact based employment discrimination conversation on Social media. All of the events included in my book are true therefore, I believe that this book can change hearts and minds of those who believe that racism is bad or doesn't exist.
If you are African-American or a member of any minority group please help change America and lead it to be a more just nation. If you are in a position to help promote this book and/or make present it to the nation and the world please DO... We are the CHANGE that we voted for in 2008 and 2012. Help President Obama and God change America FOREVER.