Their occupants fired multiple gunshots and drove away. Jones, herself set to graduate from All City High in a month, was struck multiple times and died at Strong Memorial Hospital a short time later, her family said. The day before Kierra Jones was murdered my youngest daughter called me in Houston to tell me that Kierra Mae Jones watched one of my Youtube videos on racism as part of one of her assignments. On May 15, 2013, I read a haunting and provocative Huffington Post article titled “The Reactionary Nature of Black Politics.
In the article Pascal Robert stated “Jim Crow was rooted in economic control, not simply racism and brutality. Those were the tools used to keep the system intact.” Robert’s story has led me to believe that gun violence and the unwillingness of the GOP, Tea Party members, NRA, and others to support background checks for gun control is a form of racism to maintain the prevailing order: The time is now for African-Americans to stop being reactionary and become proactive in saving our children and OURSELVES.
We should demand action from Senator Harry Reid, the Democrats, and more importantly President Obama. President Obama can have a successful second term if Reid do filibuster reform NOW. With reform the Senate can pass a background check gun control bill. Reform will also allow the Senate to skip the delaying tactics of Rubio and GOP who don’t have any intentions of passing Immigration Reform before or especially not after the 2014 elections.
Filibuster reform will also allow the Senate to confirm President Obama nominated federal judges that have lifetime appointments over the GOP unprecedented opposition.
At the end of his article Roberts asks who is up to the task to provide a new politics that is not rooted in reactionary response to racism but seeks to foster cross-racial coalitions with those similarly situated to crush the barriers to economic equality. My answer is PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA!
July 26, 2013, UPDATE
I am so glad that President Obama's comment on the Trayvon Martin's murder and jury verdict. Our president message encouraged us and will motivate us to greatness.
Vera Richardson
Click link to preview, borrow for free and/or buy my book and join movement to respectfully request that President Obama amends CivRightsAct of 1964 again. Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer
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