Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Democrats Living in Michigan Vote for Rick Santorum on February 28, 2012!


African-Americans should go out in record numbers for a Republican primary today and vote for Rick Santorum.  We must remember that this election is really the GOP’s true Waterloo moment in history. If and when President Obama is re-elected he will have the opportunity to really make this nation a more just and equality nation for all of its citizens including minorities. Therefore, we should be pro-active and do everything that is legally possible including voting in the GOP primaries for Rick Santorum to help President Obama get re-elected.

Rick Santorum’s campaign is seeking Democratic voters to come out to vote for him during the February 28, 2012, MI primary. I am respectfully requesting that all eligible voters especially African and Hispanic Americans who support President Obama and his vision of equality and justice for all Americans go out and vote today for Rick Santorum. This request is based on my belief that Rick would be an easier opponent for President Obama to defeat on November 6, 2012.

If you don't know where to vote find your polling place on Rick Santorum's website. 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

President Obama, Lilly Ledbetter, and Vera Richardson

On January 29, 2009, President Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act. According to the New York Times: “In signing the bill, Mr. Obama said that it sends the message "that there are no second class citizens in our workplaces, and that it's not just unfair and illegal, it's bad for business to pay someone less because of their gender or their age or their race or their ethnicity, religion or disability."

I hope and pray that President Obama will take a similar interest in my case and act in a similar fashion. I hope that he doesn’t let politics prevent him from addressing racial employment discrimination that involves Democratic Party members Eliot Spitzer and  Governor Andrew Cuomo.

As of today’s date Andrew Cuomo has ignored my pleas for justice and peace. I hope that as leader of the Democratic Party Pres Obama contacts Cuomo and request that he investigates my case, the unjust denial of the appeal of my disability retirement application, and makes me whole by reversing that denial and reward me much needed back pay from that appeal.

Like Lilly, Vera Richardson, was a victim of employment discrimination. Ledbetter and women groups were encouraged by the signing of the bill named in her honor. Vera and African-Americans victimized by unlawful employment discrimination will be encouraged and motivated to participate in the November 6, 2012, presidential election if the defendants and attorneys on record in Richardson’s case and tens of thousands of other employment discrimination cases are held accountable for their unfair and illegal actions.

Vera Richardson
Preview my book “Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer”

Friday, February 3, 2012

Mitt Romney is Wrong President Obama's Policies Made the Economy Better Not Worse

On February 3, 2012, during a 2012 Presidential campaign event, Mitt Romney stated that “President Obama didn’t cause the recession but that he made it worse.” The great economic news on the same day of Romney's statement including the following facts: an 8.3 percent unemployment rate which is the lowest since 2008, 243,000 private sector jobs were created in January 2012, and the Dow Jones reaching its highest level (12,862 points) since 2009 makes Romney’s statement false. Note to Romney: “You are entitled to his own opinions but he isn’t entitled to his own FACTS.”
Vera Richardson

Preview my book Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer