Democrats can't remain silent and let the Republican bias media and talking heads like Chuck Todd control the political narrative and debate. A FALSE narrative that is generated to depress us and to destroy our HOPE for a better future.
The hope and CHANGE that President Obama promised us in 2008 is so REAL and so close. In fact people like Todd are shaking in their boots in fear that all Americans will have equality in justice, employment, housing, education, and Comprehensive Immigration Reform.
Black or African-Americans Democrats don't let the noise of Chuck Todd control your mind or your actions. Get to work to get out the vote in your state especially if you have a large minority population like Harris County Texas. Harris County which includes Houston is comprised of 663,000 Whites, 488,000 Blacks, 730,000 Hispanics, and 67,5000 Asians. The minority population according to the 2010 Census is twice that of whites.
WHEN Harris County's Democratic majority population votes in record numbers on November 4, 2014, Wendy Davis will becomes governor of Texas. Additionally, because JUSTICE MATTERS in Texas and Harris County Kim Ogg will become the county's District Attorney and the four beautiful and qualified Democratic Black and Hispanic lawyers will become judges.
Remember that Americans of all races voted for and elected an African-American, President Barack Obama for TWO terms. The way we did it was that 64.7% percent of registered Blacks voted in 2008. For the first time in history in 2012 the 66.2 percentage of registered Blacks voting was more than the 64.1% of Whites.
Republicans and their media bias supporters said Barack Obama wouldn't or couldn't WIN in 2008. In fact Joe Scarborough said in 2012 that Barack Obama's supporters were less motivated than 2008 and wouldn't vote in 2012. During the 2014 election cycle Todd and others like him are predicting that Democrats aren't motivated and that we will stay home.
The goal of all PRESIDENT Obama's voters today should be to make history again. We will when Black and Hispanic Americans who make up a large portion of the electorate in LA, NC, GA, and Mississippi VOTE in record numbers on November 4, 2014. By voting like our lives depends on it the Democrats will retain control of the Senate.
By the end of the night on November 4th Joe and Chuck will be disappointed once again and will predictably declare that the Republicans will win the White House in 2016. Once again Democrats and their loyal, informed, and motivated voters will prove them wrong!
Vera Richardson
Author of Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer