Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Blocked by Morning Joe for Tweets Challenging Joe & Guests Opinions & President Obama Bias

In my humble opinion many on the "Right" including Joe the host of the Morning Joe Show have a habit of stating opinions as facts. As a STRONG supporter and volunteer of President Obama I have posted tweets to counter Joe and his guests on the Morning Joe Show. I challenged  opinions, lies, and half-truths that relate to politics in general and to President Obama in particular.

My tweets have been respectful and  are usual backed by a third party source like the tweets in this post. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that this poor educated African-American from the State of Florida has been BLOCKED by the Morning Joe Show. What happened to freedom of speech and intelligent political discourse contained in following tweet?

Vera Richardson
Author of Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Friday, March 7, 2014

Lawrence O'Donnell Calls Congressman Darrell Issa Actions Towards Cummings Shameful I CALL It RACISM!

Video of Lawrence O'Donnell's thoughtful and insightful explanation that no congressional hearing chairman other than Issa have ever adjourned a hearing without letting anyone else speak or ask a question. The fact that Issa not only didn't let African-American Congressman Cummings make a statement or ask a question but cut off the the microphone of the ranking Democrat is RACISM.

  “Congressman Darrell Issa of California abused his authority and therefore must be reprimanded to ensure the dignity of the House of Representatives is preserved,” Ohio Democratic Rep. and Congressional Black Caucus chair Marcia Fudge wrote. “We urge you to take prompt action to maintain the integrity of this body and remove Mr. Issa as chair of the Oversight & Government Reform Committee immediately.” Issa and Cummings have been at odds for months over the committee’s investigation into improper IRS targeting of conservative groups for review of their tax-exempt status. Groups with other political affiliations were scrutinized as well however, and Issa and other Republicans have for months sought – and failed – to prove that the administration itself directed the IRS scrutiny.

Someone who has a national platform and can't be hurt financially should call out Issa for his racist behavior towards Cummings and his racist agenda towards President Obama. A person that I would suggest is Bill Cosby.

Discussing racism in American should not deem one an unreliable idealistic liberal, a racist, or a race-card playing cry baby. America can no longer afford to silence RACISM discussions. We cannot afford to muffle the truth because racism appears to have gotten worst since this nation elected President Barack Hussein Obama not once but two times.

Vera Richardson Author of Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer