@Morning_Joe M Huckabee Granted Clemency 2 Maurice Clemmons http://t.co/ORXSpUFiYl … Huckabee& @GOP hv a serious prob neither C win in 2016
— Vera Richardson (@Vbelle5) February 6, 2014
In my humble opinion many on the "Right" including Joe the host of the Morning Joe Show have a habit of stating opinions as facts. As a STRONG supporter and volunteer of President Obama I have posted tweets to counter Joe and his guests on the Morning Joe Show. I challenged opinions, lies, and half-truths that relate to politics in general and to President Obama in particular.My tweets have been respectful and are usual backed by a third party source like the tweets in this post. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that this poor educated African-American from the State of Florida has been BLOCKED by the Morning Joe Show. What happened to freedom of speech and intelligent political discourse contained in following tweet?
@Morning_Joe Great news @TheDemocrats keep @WhiteHouse &US continue 2 move FORWARD 2wards EQUALITY&JUSTICE 4 all Amers Go @ReadyForHillary !
— Vera Richardson (@Vbelle5) February 1, 2014
Vera Richardson
Author of Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer