Thursday, January 10, 2013

Bravo to President Obama and His All White Male National Security Team

Some people including Joe Scarborough have been quite vocal in their criticism of President Obama national security appointments nominee because they are all white men. I disagree with Scarborough. I applaud President Obama for his national security nominees John Brennan, John Kerry, and Chuck Hagel, who are all white highly qualified men.

One of the most important tasks for this nation’s first African-American president or any president is the national security of this nation. Dr. King’s vision and the 1964 Civil Rights Act of 1964 advocates hiring or appointing the best person for a job or position based on their qualifications and not the color of their skin, gender, or national origin. In selecting his national security team President Obama hired the most qualified people who in this case happened to be ALL WHITE MEN.

Vera Richardson
Download my book free by clicking on link “Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer”

Sunday, January 6, 2013

My Life: A Story of Racism, Prayer, History, Determination, and HOPE

On January 6, 2013, my youngest daughter emailed me a poem that she wrote for me. Her kindness and thoughtful act encouraged me and warmed my heart.

 Mom-- An original in all of your ways. Your life is a story of prayers and history, converging to birth one of a kind. The outhouses of Quincy were supposed to shackle you.

You were supposed to settle with scraps wallow in ignorance, strive for nothing,
A migrant worker's trip to Brockport supposed to solidify your inferiority-- Instead it released a wave of hope a wave of determination Faith.

And though this faith has been tried And though your path has languished in the unknown This hope, this determination, this faith still beckons

There is pride in your children There is pride in your feats. But the past shall not keep you. You must continue to journey on.

 Some of your steps will be in the dark. The path will narrow, leaving room only enough for one. Fear not, turn away never. An original in all of your ways.

Vera Richardson
Preview by book to read Chapter "Early Years of my Life"  "Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer”