Friday, November 16, 2012

President Obama Please Address My Employment Discrimination Case with Governor Cuomo

I have been waiting for President Obama’s reelection so that he could address my employment discrimination case and take action to make me whole. On November 15, 2012, President Obama received a bear hug from Andrew Cuomo. Therefore, I decided that today was a great day to bring employment discrimination in general and my employment discrimination case in particular to both of these elected officials of the Democratic Party.

 President Obama I am respectfully requesting that you and Governor Andrew Cuomo do the right thing and make me whole for NYS Attorney General's Office filing 7 perjured declaration in my employment discrimination case, firing me in retaliation for filing a lawsuit alleging discrimination, and denying the appeal of my disability retirement application. Therefore, I am entitled to back pay from my denied disability retirement application from New York State Department of Correctional Service.

I am also respectfully requesting that you use an executive order if necessary to amend Title VII (employment discrimination) of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 again like you did in Ledbedder's case. Amending the Act again will prevent one judge from have the authority to dismiss employment discrimination cases based on summary judgment motions.

I did this report to bring my true employment and retaliation case that includes the unjust denial of my disability retirement application (DRA) to the attention of Andrew Cuomo. In the past Governor Cuomo responded to my letter and email seeking redress and the approval of my the DRA by stating that as Attorney General of NY he couldn't help me. In his new role as governor he still hasn't contacted me or taken any action to make me whole.

 Vera Richardson
Author of Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer click link to preview proof of Spitzer and J Goncalves perjury which means I was denied JUSTICE in my case. You don't have to have a Kindle to get this book it can be downloaded to your smart phone or Kindle.