Saturday, July 24, 2010

A Productive but Challeging Week for President Obama

President Obama signing bill to grant unemployment American additition an extension of long-term unemployment benefits

July 23, 2010

Despite the Shirley Sherrod’s controversy started by conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart and the Fox News Network with a manufactured reverse discrimination case our President had a very productive week. President Obama actions anddetermination to deliver on his campaign promises are making this country a more perfect nation for more Americans.

President Obama and the Democratic Party values everyone and all are welcome to our tent. Our Party and our President knows that all Americans regardless or race, color, or national origin are entitled to the pursuit of health, happiness, wealth, love, and spirituality. Additionally we believe that despite of our horrible racial past and the mistakes made by some during Shirley Sherrod’s unjust incident we must use the power of the ballot box to elected people in November 2010 that shares our beliefs.

 On behalf of the American people I would like to say Thank you Mr. President for your
leadership and for achieving your goal signing the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Thanks for fighting tireless to overcome the Republicans blockage of extending unemployment benefits to Americans who through no fault of their own find themselves without a paycheck.

 Vera Richardson

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