Monday, March 16, 2015

Blacks Help President Obama Call Traitor Democrat Senator Kaine 202-224-4024

Call to action Blacks, Hispanics, Progressives, Liberals, and Blue Dogs Democrats: Stop Democrat Senator Kaine from derailing President Obama's Iranian agreement.

On 3/16/2015, I called Senator Tim Kaine's office and voiced my outraged that he was joining the 47 Republicans Traitors to "defy" PresidentObama. I made the call after reading Chuck Todd, Mark Murray, and Carrie Dann's NBC News post.

Will Senate Democrats defy Obama White House on Iran deal, Chuck Todd, a card carrying "President Obama HATER" asked. Todd's 3/16/15 post included: "Even as the White House ramps up pressure on Congress to stay out of its negotiations with Iran on a nuclear agreement, Republicans are on the brink of veto-proof majorities for legislation that could undercut any deal. And that support has held up even after the uproar last week over the GOP's letter to Iranian leaders warning against an agreement." On "Meet the Press" yesterday, Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) -- as loyal of an ally to Obama as you will find -- said he remained a co-sponsor of the legislation drafted by Senate Foreign Relations Chair Bob Corker (R-TN) to ensure that Congress approves of any nuclear deal the U.S. (along with Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and China) reaches with Iran. "The deal that is being negotiated with Iran is about what will Iran do to get out from other congressional sanctions," Kaine said.

It doesn't matter how Kaine tries to spin or defend joining up with Republicans racist who have plotted against President since January 20, 2009 it won't fly. The fact that he is and should remain "as loyal of an ally to Obama as you will find" elevates his actions to TRAITOR! Kaine was elected in 2012 on the coat tail of President Obama.  I help elect him as a GOTV volunteer in Norfolk, VA.

What have the Democrats done for Blacks lately? Many would answer NOTHING or not a dam- thing. My answer is no much but  but we can and will not accept them helping Republicans hurt President Obama.  Blacks shouldn't accept any excuse from Kaine for joining Republicans, who shut down the government at a cost of 24 billion dollar, change the rule of the House to keep the government closed, and invited Prime Minister Netanyahu for an anti President Obama/Iranian address to Congress.

The landmark nuclear agreement that six world powers the United States, Germany, France, Britain, Russia and China will achieve will be the pillar of DEMOCRAT President Obama's foreign policy accomplishments.  History will also record that PROACTIVE Black people who, voted in record numbers in 2008, STOPPED potential traitor Democrat Senator Kaine from giving Senator Cotton a veto proof majority.

Vera Richardson
Author of Screwed by Former Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer